Mars Hill Review ceased publication September 2005. To order back issues, click here.
PO Box 10506
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110-0506
MASTHEAD: Founder / Publisher: | Kim Hutchins |
Editor: | Sarah Koops Vanderveen |
Founding Editor: | Liam Atchison |
Managing Editor: | David Vanderveen |
Literary Editor: | Jill Lamar |
Poetry Editor: | Marlene Muller |
Music Editor: | Dave Urbanski |
Film Editor: | Craig Detweiler |
Copy Editor: | Lois Swagerty |
Business Manager: | Michelle Hutchins |
Subscription Fulfillment: | Ashley Wade |
The mission of Mars Hill Review is to reveal
Christ in the various texts of our
contemporary culture. To this end, we
commission full length essays from
provocative thinkers, conduct in-depth
studies of issues having theological import
and obtain interviews with leading-edge
writers, teachers and artists. The journal
also publishes original fiction, nonfiction,
poetry and critical reviews of film, books
and music and other texts that remind us of
God and of his participation within the
stories of our contemporary lives.
Founded in 1993, we publish three times per
year. Each issue is approximately 200 pages
in length. We offer our readers both an
education for the mind (in the Essays,
Studies and Interviews sections) and an
experience for the soul (in our Reminders of
God offerings).
Mars Hill Review is featured in the Literary
and Poetry section of more than 300 general
trade bookstores nationwide and in Canada
(Barnes and Noble, B. Dalton) as well as many
independent stores and newsstands.
Copyright © 1993-present, Mars Hill Review, a nonprofit corporation. All rights reserved.
ISSN 1077-5978.
Mars Hill Review is indexed in the Religion Index of Periodicals, Religion and Theological Abstracts.
Distributed by Ingram Periodicals, Inc., La Vergne TN
Printed by Classic Printing, Nashville TN.
Unsolicited Submissions:
We are currently accepting essays, studies,
poetry, fiction, and reviews. We pay for
solicited material only. For essays and
studies, please provide a two to three
sentence abstract. If you have an idea for a
longer article (3000-5000 words -- we don't
run pieces longer than 5000 words), please
submit a synopsis, and we will let you know
how to proceed. For all items other than
poetry, please also include file on a
diskette, preferably in Word format.
Submissions should be written in a clear,
journalistic style accessible to the general
public. Deadlines for issues are as follows:
Winter/Spring, October 1; Summer, February 1;
Fall, June 1. Response time to unsolicited
manuscripts and queries is ten to twelve
weeks. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped
envelope. We are unable to return manuscript
submissions. Send submissions to: Mars Hill
Review, Editorial Department, PO Box 10506,
Bainbridge Island WA 98110-0506.
Visual Submissions: We are seeking to
build a reference file of art to illustrate
and complement our feature articles. Please
feel free to submit pieces to us. Artwork
cannot be returned unless the submission is
accompanied by a self-addressed envelope or
package with full postage cost enclosed.
Permission to Reprint copyrighted material
from Mars Hill Review is granted under the
following conditions:
1) the reprint is made available exclusively for non-commercial use (not for resale);
2) a copy of the reprint is mailed to Mars Hill Review, PO Box 10506, Bainbridge Island WA 98110;
3) the following script is clearly shown in a footnote on the first page of the reprint, as follows:
"This copyrighted article was originally
published in Mars Hill Review, a 200-page
journal of essays, studies and reminders of
God. For more information, please visit"